About us

Or better: ABOUT YOU: Right to Environment is about and meant for all of you. For you to use, join and/or support. Whether you're a person or an organisation.

Environmental and human rights issues dominate today's news and the world's political agenda. Although climate change currently gets most of the airtime, there are many more urgent environmental challenges (like overfishing, destruction of forest and ecosystems, water pollution, etc.).

With 2.4 million people dying each year globally from causes directly attributable to air pollution (according to WHO), it's obvious that human caused environmental disruption has human rights impacts.

This website will show you how looking at environmental issues from a human rights perspective has changed over the years from linking specific human rights to specific environmental disruptions to a clean and healthy environment being a human right itself. At this time “environment” is codified as a human right in numerous constitutions, in two regional human rights treaties (American and African) and in the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People.

Our aim is to get this right codified for all of us at UN and European Convention on Human Rights level, to have this right respected globally and (meanwhile) train you and lawyers on this human right and how it could be invoked.

Why? Because we all have a right to live in a healthy and clean environment and to have the environment protected. For ourselves and future generations to enjoy. It's time we see we are not just a ruler over, but part of nature. Time to stand up for our rights and accept our duty to respect the rights of others.

How? Please continue on your site to find out more!

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